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The CIO Challenge

Unlock the power of IT digital transformation gathering innovative ideas at CIOstraightalk. We’re a community of forward-thinking executives  shaping the future of technology in corporate environments. Embrace the challenge to drive change together.

Building a community at CIOstraightalk, where like-minded CIOs passionate about IT transformation come together to share ideas and stay ahead of industry trends. Connect with forward-thinking leaders shaping the future of technology departments. Its a place to collaborate and turn innovative ideas into reality.

Craig Ashmole

Founding Partner, Straightalking Limited

Trusting in Interim Consulting

Due to the nature of what Interim Consultants do they bring with them many years of exposure to multiple different IT change programmes across many differing business corporations. This is the experience one cannot just learn in a classroom environment. We all know that IT and Operational migration or change programmes are probably better handled by experience that’s been there or done it before, so CIO’s should utilise Interim’s to support their transition projects.

Cloud is here to stay

Brace yourself as we see major Cloud providers such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google and VMware all building data centres in the European Union (EU) as locally based enterprises insist their cloud data stays in the region. Don’t use the lame excuse of security concerns to prevent your department exploring the Cloud. Cloud is not for every application in every business but it is for many applications especially Microsoft 365 and some utility applications to run one’s business. CIOs need to choose.

Technology Comfort Zone

The more open minded CIO would certainly recognise the value in the market of seasoned and experienced interim consultants. So take advantage of a temporary short term period using Interims to move the CIO office out of one’s comfort zone. Interims have agility, and gravitas to see what’s needed to be done and usually over qualified for the role, however interims often open up technology innovation and bring new fresh ideas to the table.

Straight Talking Technology Topics:

Is contracting the future

Is contracting the future

Is tech turning contract work into the future of employment? Technology has made it easier than ever for employees to work remotely. This article has gathered comments from experts and CEOs about why more and more companies are using contract workers. Technology has...

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Global Employers choose consultants

Global Employers choose consultants

Over 70% of global employers now use contractors to help fill IT skills shortages A new report found that 40% of US businesses now have a hybrid workforce of permanent and contract IT employees to fill talent shortages and fast-changing technical skill needs. If...

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5G is Future of mobility

5G is Future of mobility

5G is coming and it is the future of mobile In 5G, wireless will grow up into a true horizontal industry that provides a support system for literally everything Scouting the news feeds on where we are going with respect to the world of mobility and up popped this...

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Business Changing IT Spend

Business Changing IT Spend

How business outcomes are transforming IT spending According to a recently released study by Datalink and IDG, business is playing a bigger role than ever in IT spending. The relationship between business leaders and IT is equal parts necessary and contentious. More...

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Request For Proposal

Request For Proposal

CIOs Seeking Innovation – Should the RFP process be replaced by the innovative RFS? There’s an innovative way to build and drive the RFP process as CIOs look to expand service capability and innovation but should the RFP be replaced with the RFS (Request For...

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Outsourcing and As-A-Service

Outsourcing and As-A-Service

Outsourcing is on life support, with many BPO providers failing to invest in As-a-Service It has been hard to change processes, drive common standards across clients, build a utility model that can be scaled and made cost-efficient, for the Outsource vendors when...

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IDC 2015 Contact Centre Leaders

IDC 2015 Contact Centre Leaders

2015 IDC Worldwide Contact Centre CCaaS Vendor Assessment matrix The IDC MarketScape study examines the key players in the worldwide contact center infrastructure and software (CCIS) market, analyzing  current capabilities as well as longer-term strategies The CCIS...

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Social media statistics to get you thinking

Social media statistics to get you thinking

10 SURPRISING SOCIAL MEDIA STATISTICS THAT WILL MAKE YOU RETHINK YOUR SOCIAL STRATEGY If you’re managing social media for your business, it might be useful to know about some of the most surprising social media statistics to help you formulate your strategy to get it...

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Taming the Internet of Threats

Taming the Internet of Threats

Internet Security continues to plague us with relevations of expanding Malware introduced through advertising on the internet If you want to read the report from Cyphort Labs that shows a dramatic rise in the amount of malware sent through advertising, known as...

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Cloud Comparison Index

Cloud Comparison Index

The ISG Technology Insights Group Launches the Cloud Comparison Index™ The First Benchmarking Service That Compares Costs of Public Cloud versus Internal IT Study Shows Usage Matters; Public Cloud Not Always Cheaper Price Differential Among Public Cloud Providers as...

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Cloud Complexity

Cloud Complexity

Is Cloud complexity still hiding behind a pretty face? The interesting relevation of what Cloud adopters feel and the approach that those are taking to get cloud services, under their belts, within the CIO Office. Reading the November issue of there...

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The IT Clock Speed in 2015

The IT Clock Speed in 2015

How CIOs can raise their 'IT clock speed' as pressure to innovate grows CIOs are facing pressure from the board to roll out IT projects increasingly quickly. How can they do that without running unacceptable risks? I came across this article in the Computer Weekly...

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Tech TBM drives M&A

Tech TBM drives M&A

Technology Business Management Drives M&A Throughout the entire M&A lifecycle, the CIO is poised to assess opportunities, mitigate risk and develop and executable IT plan rooted in a multidimensional, 360-degree view of the process. “As merger and acquisition...

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Corporate Boardroom Tech Challenge

Corporate Boardroom Tech Challenge

Are Chairpersons Preparing their Boards for Technology Readiness The shocking truth about the lack of technology awareness on many corporate Boards in top British firms is exposed! Executive directors are usually selected for their leadership qualities; they often...

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Failing Corporate Recruitment Processes

Failing Corporate Recruitment Processes

Top Frustrations for Interim Consulting and the Divide between the Corporate Recruiting Process Are Corporate HR addressing the hiring process for Interim Consulting staff in a manner that befits their experience levels and capabilities? The gulf between hiring...

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Whos running corporate tech strategy

Whos running corporate tech strategy

Gartner's views on who will be running corporate technology CIOs are fully aware they need to change in order to succeed in the digital business, 75% of IT executives say that they need to change their leadership style over the next three years In August 2013 Gartner...

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